Comments (2)


this blog is quite important
this blog is quite important to me as my spouse and i are going through this now…we have been members of a church for more than 20 years without any trouble over our relationship…a new minister came in July past and in October had a meeting with us…we are considered unrepentent sinners, but he loves us because of our “sacred worth”. another way of saying love the sinner, hate the sin. he wants to be our “pastor” and Christian brother. he gets to be our brother but not our pastor. we have not left as many, not all, support us in our lives. we are in meetings with him to try to reconcile our differences. there is no changing his mind and after 37 years together and 3 years legally married, that we will become unrepentent of the sin he believes we live in. he doesnt appear to really hate us, but he cant fully love us either. my goal is that we can become more comfortable with each other and still be in ministry together at this church. thank you again. i plan to read TORN. blessings.


I find this post to be very
I find this post to be very near and dear to my own life. I grew up in a conservative “Bible believing church”. I faithfully attending youth group, Sunday School, and church services (both Sunday morning and Sunday night). I grew up a part of Awana and when I grew older volunteered my time to help out with the younger kids. I went on to graduate high school and attend a bible college geared towards preparing students for future ministry. I obtained a degree in Bible and Youth Ministry and faithfully mentored and taught students the Word of God.
However, when I came out after I graduated the Bible college, the responses ripped my heart out and pushed me away from the people I once considered my family. The church I grew up in found out and ostracized me. As an “unrepentant sinner”, I was put on church discipline. This apparently meant that the pastor “outed” me to my parents (note I was 23 at the time) after I asked them to let me come out in my own time. (They acted offended and told me “it wasn’t their place” to do that. Apparently, they changed their minds). Then the pastor announced my business to the whole church and told them to no longer associate with me. I guess it was their way of making sure that I knew that they condoned my “lifestyle.”
Not once did they stop and hear my side of the story. Not once did they sit down with me and ask me what was going on in my life. They quickly judged and then had the audacity to tell me it was “out of love”.
After losing the support of about 90% of my friends and my family, I sought to find love elsewhere. I have since started my own life, have an amazing partner who loves and supports me, and I still pray for my parents eyes and hearts to be open to what I have to share.

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