
The Community
In the face of constant efforts to squeeze people who are different out of public space, it is critical to remain grounded in the deep faith that ALL people are worthy of God’s love.
What We Believe
“Believe Out Loud is for all identities, sexualities, faiths and denominations.”
People come to our platforms from all racial, religious, cultural, sexual orientation, and gender expression backgrounds. We honor and showcase the perspectives of the diverse communities we serve. Believe Out Loud is a program of Cathedral of Hope United Church of Christ, a vibrant, inclusive & progressive member congregation, known historically and predominantly as the largest LGBTQ church in the world.
Believe Out Loud is committed to engaging in partnerships across faith traditions and denominations. We are an intergenerational, multiracial, multi-faith, and sexual- and gender-identity-diverse team, committed to expanding the possibility of what a faith community can do in the world.
Founding Partners
Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists
Glaad Religion, Faith & Values Program
Glad Alliance
Human Rights Campaign Religion & Faith Program
Institute For Welcoming Resources - National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Integrity USA
Intersections International
More Light Presbyterians
Progressive Christians Uniting
Reconciling Ministries Network
Room For All
The Collegiate Church of New York
UCC Open and Affirming Coalition
Welcoming Community Network