Comments (21)

Lucy H. Stembridge

It’s great to hear that you
It’s great to hear that you are telling the story. As a person who is opposite-gender-loving, it is through stories from my friends who are same-gender-loving that I learned to appreciate and affirm all that they are, and go through. It seems that something (individuals who are GLBT telling their story) that is so helpful in promoting understanding is, understandably, the most difficult thing to do. Keep on encouraging! 🙂 – Lucy

Melanie Storrusten

None of our authentic selves
None of our authentic selves “fit in.” We are all fearfully, wonderfully, and uniquely made. In my experience, the church pushes us all out – those of us who question, doubt, have different ideas, or don’t precisely toe the party line. We ALL must stand up and speak, or allow the conformist “majority” (quotes definitely intentional) to speak for us. This is why I am called to speak out for LGBT inclusion and affirmation in the church. These courageous people are advocating for all of us – to be ourselves, to have our own voice, to create a church that truly teaches us to have a more personal relationship with God. They are the current population-of-target, but this problem in the church affects ALL of us. We are the church. This is our great commission.

Ms. Knapp

I’m with you.
I’m with you.
Our religious systems have a long tradition of affirming those who uphold orthodoxy versus making space for tending to the realities of the human condition. When it comes to our institutions and leadership, individual care and spiritual growth often take a back seat to the rules of the time.
I think it’s fascinating that this is one of the most consistent themes that Jesus spoke of: where a woman was criticized for wasting expensive perfume to bless Christ rather than selling it to profit for the poor. Or the numerous episodes where Jesus grew frustrated that acting in kindness and compassion took a back seat when it came to acting this out on the Sabbath.
Surely there is a point where the love our faith instructs, inspires and equips us must become the priority in how respond to one another. Our traditions change, our understanding of the world around us transforms, our rituals evolve as we add to our spiritual experiences. From time to time, each of us will manage to offend some one else’s definition of ‘proper faith’, but to me, what is most important is in how we make space for all to continue with grace on this marvelous journey.

Emiko Iwata Hall

Your courage is inspiring. We
Your courage is inspiring. We need more warriors to blaze the trail between the culture wars so others can eventually walk an easier path. I hope to stand as one of them with you. Peace.

Lisa Michelle

Well done, sis, for sharing
Well done, sis, for sharing your story – you are a wonderful role-model, not only for our brothers and sisters in Christ, but for the GLBTIQ Community at large. Too often they have been evicted, rejected and hurt by the Church, and they need to know that they. alongside every other person on the planet, are created, loved and accepted by their Creator who adores them. Let’s keep sharing the Good News – that Jesus died, once and for all, and for ALL, and it is finished 🙂

Kat K-S

I just wish to thank you,
I just wish to thank you, Jennifer Knapp, for your thoughtful post here, as well as thank everyone for their great comments. It’s been a pleasure to read, and to learn from you all. Let’s keep inspiring each other! Peace, Kat


This is so great. I’m a self
This is so great. I’m a self-described “lesbian who loves the Lord”. I’ve had trouble reconciling my faith and my sexual orientation, but you inspire me to keep trying and show me that it can be done. Thank you, Jennifer and God bless.

Nate Smith

Love the article. I have
Love the article. I have always loved your music and looking forward to the new one!!! Be blessed. Such an interesting dialogue it is!


I just think you are the bees
I just think you are the bees knees! I’ve thought so ever since I bought Kansas! 🙂

Brenda Lent

Rock on Jennifer! Nothing
Rock on Jennifer! Nothing felt darker to me ever than knowing as a teenager that I was a lesbian. Now, as a 43 year old, nothing feels brighter to me than God’s love. I hope that we can show every terrified teenager out there that God’s love is shining bright on them – even in their darkest hour!!!


I have known this since I
I have known this since I bought your album Kansas. Have had a crush on you since then. LOL Keep on making great music and be comfortable with who you are. I have been out since I was 13…I am now 33 and am completely happy with my life. Keep proving to others that it IS possible to be Christian AND queer.

Sabrina A. Sands

That’s why you are a miracle,
That’s why you are a miracle, Jennifer Knapp! God loves you, so do so many; never change who you off for fear of the world because you are fearfully and wonderfully made – perfect the way you are. Be just the way God made you in this wavering world and you will never faulter, no matter how narrow the road. I listen to your music no matter what Genre, you inspire me to be me and share my story with others – as I may have mostly hatred in return. Though, if we do not see the world as faultered and who we are as pure, then everything is in vain. So, choose to be yourself and make whatever noise you can to show each and every person geniunity is the answer, don’t be a fake or your music means nothing. Never change you, even if the music does not stay the same. I believe in pure, I believe in God, I believe in you. Thank you, Jennifer, you never fail to inspire me. I will forever be joyful for that. God loves you, me, us ALL…NO EXCEPTIONS! Peace be with you always!


It’s also possible to be
It’s also possible to be Christian AND a glutton, or be Christian AND a gossip, or be Christian AND a liar . . . but it’s still sin. Our sin so offended God that He sent His very own precious, perfect, Son to go through agony to take the punishment for that sin, because it’s so horrible. And you “come out” to celebrate it? How about “coming out and repenting of it? It’s what is asked of us & God certainly has the love and the power to forgive & take the sin away, but He doesn’t think it’s ok. NO sin is ok with God. He hates my sin, too, secret or open, but he loves me, just like He does you. But sin He hates. Do you really KNOW Him? I hope you will ask Him to show you how HE feels about your sin – thus, the cross.

Lori Kuipers

I am offended by your comment
I am offended by your comment and sick to death of people who think they have proper interpretation of the scriptures. I have been a believer since the age of 12. I came out about a year ago, after raising 3 children and trying to do what society required of me. I am a graduate of a prestigious Bible institute and am not ignorant of what scripture teaches. Do you know what Christ says about homosexuality? NOTHING! Check it out. I gave it my all in the hetero world, but it does not work for me. You are a typical conservative fundamentalist, so I’m not surprised. Thank God I’m involved in a christian church that encourages rather than tears down it’s LGBT believers.


I have had a similar
I have had a similar experience with being publicly and professionally Christian and struggling with homosexuality. I worked for a non-profit that worked with the gay, struggling Christian with the stance that “Change is possible.” I spoke at many events and conferences for this group so it was difficult when I finally decided to “come out.” I lost most of my Christian friends and my church family as well as my biological family who still cannot accept who I am. But the support I received came from some very unlikely (in my mind) people/places. I found strength in those people, even while those I thought would be supportive walked away. Today, I know who I am and Who God is in my life. I know there is so much more for me to learn about me and Him and us together but I’m excited for the journey.


Jennifer, I have been a fan
Jennifer, I have been a fan of yours for a long time. Thank you so much for your openness. Believe it or not, you are not only helping gay believers to come out, but you are helping straight believers overcome the prejudices that have been driven into us. Thank you.


I don’t understand what’s
I don’t understand what’s going on here. Are you saying having homosexual thoughts and acting them out is not sin? Or are you saying you have these feelings and are dealing with them as the rest of us deal with our struggles? “K’ above states the truth about all sin including homosexuality. Then Lori Kuipers above twists the truth in saying Christ says nothing about homosexuality. Well Christ himself doesn’t address many issues. The rest of God’s Word is just as valid as the actual words of Christ himself. OT: Deuteronomy 23:17; 1 Kings 14:24;15:12;22:46; 2 Kings 23:7; NT 1 Tim 1:10, Romans 1:27, 1 Cor 6:9. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He does not change his mind on what sin is. It was sin in the OT and it was sin in the NT and it is sin now. Jennifer, I hope you are not advocating this lifestyle, but taking every thought captive in Christ and being a good example to the LGBT community to turn from sin and be a slave to Christ in both thought and action.

Don Elser

I suggest you study more before you make these assumptions about what God thinks on this subject—and before picking up stones. If you’re truly open to understanding more–try reading Brian McLaren and Tony Compalo’s “Adventure’s in Missing the Point”. Tony writes a chapter as a conservative on this issue, but who values these believers who see the Scriptures from a different light. Another fantastic book would be “The Blue Parakeet” by Scot McKnight which challenges us with the FACT that we pick and choose in our application of the truths of Scripture– all of us. We adapt our best understanding of the principles to our culture. There is much more to this topic than we have often believed. It’s not as simple when we look at the context of the Scriptures– both in the writings and in the culture— AND when we are aware of the penalties and “other sins” written right beside these passages which we ignore now as cultural. Best to you as you genuinely and openly study this important subject that impacts so many inside and outside the church.


Gods word is Gods word. You
Gods word is Gods word. You can’t argue with the bible when it clearly is against such a sin. I listen to Jesus and not His word. I suggest praying earnestly and seeking Jesus and asking Him to guide you in your thoughts. I don’t know about you, but I would rather Him tell me the truth than man. Don’t argue, just pray and seek His word and you will find the truth. I will keep praying for those preaching against His word and trying to making what is wrong right.


Who is claiming that the act
Who is claiming that the act of worshiping a God as described by a man who among many strange things, preached tolerance for each other, is unnatural for people who have same-sex attraction? People who speak as though Christianity was originally formed as some sort of movement against homosexuality…you’re confused. Trust me you are. Gay people have a right to their own christian faith, one that involves self-acceptance and also the hope that one day they won’t have to suffer violent opposition and discrimination. Jesus, as described in MML&J, presents a friendly face to anyone who feels cast out or at odds with the world. Anyone who feels that way should have a right to take help from whatever seems to provide it.


First of all, all glory to
First of all, all glory to Jesus and his word. He tells us the truth even though it hurts, but it cleanses us. This life is not about us, it’s about Him. It’s not about us wanting what we want, tying to convince ourselves that we should be happy therefore God is okay with our lifestyle. The bible is strictly against same sex marriage. It doesn’t mean God doesn’t love those who practice it, but he does condone the practice like someone who is an alcoholic. I don’t believe in same sex marriage because the bible says so. Do I want to do what I want? Of course, I’m human, but because I choose to be filled with the Holy Spirit and honor my father in heaven and please Him, I yield to his word and therefore his desires become my desires. We must put to death our selfish desires and seek His will. I love you all and all who practice the sin, but seek Jesus and ask for wisdom and understanding. He will give it to you if you ask and have faith. Above all, it’s not about you and what you feel is right, it’s about Jesus and his word.

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